$1.8k GOLD??

Hey Gold Bugs!

The ‘golden bowl’ is going to guide us back towards the old highs...

We’re about to embark on that final leg (in my opinion)...

I don’t expect to exceed $1900, but $1800 is probably nearer the mark...

It may take another couple of weeks to really get going. As per my most recent post, a pause/slight pullback would make sense here...

On shorter timescales, the technical indicators are getting a little stretched, but as you can see on the chart below, on longer timeframes, they are perfectly poised for a run-up...

I know the miners and silver have been a little ‘shy’ in recent days...

They’re waiting for the big moment...

I expect the Gold/Silver ratio to make a decisive move down, when all this happens...

I expect silver to out perform gold and I expect the miners to make very large gains in the coming weeks, and play catch up (75%+)...

None of this is ‘set in stone’, but having analyzed the charts, it’s the highest probability outcome (again, in my personal opinion)...

The jigsaw pieces have come together perfectly since the basing formation was identified. Extreme caution will then be needed, but I hope everyone will be nicely in profit by then, and able to ‘lock’ that profit in...

A final note – next Fed meeting is January 28/29, 2020!!

Stay ahead of the masses,

Seth Maniscalco
Founder, Modern Wealth Management LP
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTrend Analysis

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