Maximum Call writing of 5.87 Lakh is at 10700 strike followed by 3.92 Lakh at 10800 Strike and Put writing of 5.93 Lakh at 10600 Strike followed by 3.51 Lakh at 10700 Strike. Index is facing resistance near 10570 level.
Index is expected to trade between 10590 - 10730 level.
If Index is crossing above 10730 level and Call unwinding taking place at 10700 strike then the index may move near 10800 level. Trailing Stop Loss 10690.
Contra Long position may be initiated if Index comes near 10600 level with Trailing Stop Loss 10570.
Index is unlikely to go below support level.
거래청산: 타겟 닿음
Index faced resistance near 10730 level and once crossed 10730 level, it moved to 10800 target level. Target achieved as predicted.