Nifty Future

Some Big Daddy has been going Long since 19000 odd on Nf and has ensured that each and every Next Day opening has been a GAP UP. Inspite of FIIS selling each and every day the market has recovered 50% losses since High. So what is happening ??????????? It is not the FIIS who are in control, but the PROS...... They have seen the opportunity of Fiis selling 7700 crores at 19000 and seized this to go LONG and compel FIIS to sell even further each and every day thereafter. A Long as 19385 NF stands today............ BUY THE DIP into THURSDAYS EXPIRY. Two zones of 19280 and 19385 will act as SOLID SUPPORTS on NF for NOW.... and a follow up above 19455 will take the Index Higher
I hope you all made Money today................. BUT Tomorrow seems like a SCARY day to ME. Yes we have closed at the High point of the day.............. BUT..... my 15 tf BNF chart says 43100 coming. I cant say tomorrow or dayafter....... but a Likelyhood
