US Nas 100


This is a simulated project taking into account multiple scenarios, with elements picked in such a fashion that whatever the future holds, this Matrix is trying to anticipate and/or predict future bounces, candlestick patterns, rebounds, at some of the shapes. One of the icons is a price prediction which should be a surprise, just to keep the whole idea of the Matrix as an experiment born from the multitude of potentials, ready to collapse not just into one of them, but several scenarios.

Pivot points with candlestick patterns have been highlighted in the past price action as an example. The curves from the past are just to point out curious but interesting phenomenons in the markets, where geometric math equations can coincidentally be "touched" by the price of the market more than 3 times. These curves can become support or resistance.

Whether the price goes up, or down, or swings from one momentum to another, this Matrix is ready to catch some of the pivot points or bounces, right near the shapes. Hopefully there won't be many near misses.
Pivot point with a high at 15560 right below 15573 where the red and blue curves intersect. Can be classified as a near miss, but it still looks relevant.
A decent drop inside the two "bells" (red and blue). Approaching the first white time stamp where a small/temporary pivot point can occur. If the bulls try and push this up there should still be some resistance above. The bigger yellow rectangle might be too far away, but the Orange Dot is still in sight as potential target.
At the first white time stamp there was a test and a rebound from the red curve, after which it was broken. At the second white stamp there was a test and a rebound from the blue curve after it was broken on the downside. Bulls and bears still fighting alongside it for now and it doesn't seem like the Orange dot will be hit. Maybe the red or yellow circles at the end of the project have a higher probability of being hit.

Looking forward to see any other bounces, rebounds at the shapes in this project.
The pattern from the first white stamp repeated at the second, and after the test of the blue curve it was eventually broken. Not sure what is the mathematical probability of such a pattern to appear twice at the exact marked time stamps, on a drawing that was made almost 2 weeks ago.

Pretty wild coincidence.
Almost a double bounce at the blue curve. Might be the last time we se the price interact with this shape.

Regarding the potential price prediction with one of the icons, if I would have to choose one from the remaining three, I would pick the red circle as a potential destination for the price in time.

Another day and another date with the blue line.
This bullish engulfing is a very interesting setup for a potential pivot point right here in this position after the blue curve was tested on the up twice and this time successfully broken on the up. Also, the candlestick on the daily looks good even if not yet closed.
Pivot point at the time stamp where the price was still on the blue curve. Few shapes left in this Matrix and only one icon in sight.
Nice rebound from the rectangle.
Good resistance zone at the green rectangle. Red circle still in sight for a potential price prediction but at this point in time it doesn't even matter in the grand context of the matrix.
A hit on the red circle icon which was just one out of 4 icons in the snapshot.

Initial idea quote: "One of the icons is a price prediction which should be a surprise"
Round about effect at the red circle. Pivot point confirmed the time stamp.
First rebound from the orange level in this project. Green rectangle over soon. Added time stamp for the yellow circle icon just in case.
At the yellow time stamp the price broke the orange marked price level but this matrix project is not over yet. I added the support blue line which highlights the lows that started this bull move, and some elements to consider for potential future zones of influence regarding support and resistance. If this scenario is correct, this could go sideways or in a "range" (between the upper and lower ellipses) for about at least a month.
Bounce from the ellipse from the previous update. Also the small green rectangles were reasonably on point with their position and marked direction for sentiment.


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