
FEDS Decision

Alright so same for US30
Less than 10 days for the inflation data.. speaking of it it ease you know here in USA.. but Feds isn’t relaxing and not happy aren’t reaching the goals.
Goals for the inflation to get back down to 2%
Right now hovering about 5-7% I don’t remember but the prices remain to stay high sometime.. that means the Feds haven’t reached there goal.

We aren’t in recession..yet but it is coming we are in technical recession.
For Nas big drop is coming I’ll see down to 10400 area for a retrace and drop more.. should expect buy about 10000 even. If the bottom didn’t stop there then we will see even further.

DEC 14th : Inflation Data
DEC 15th Federal Reserve Decision ( Powell speaking ether will crash the market which will be a lot worse or Santa rally to save the market )

연관 아이디어


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