Big Oil Looking Weak! | Marathon Petroleum - $MPC SHORT

Profit-taking & Market-making 101.

A Myth: Fossil fuels are scarce.

A Hoax: Green jobs, green energy, climate change, tesla (yes, with a little "t").. it's all a HOAX.

It is important to understand that all of this rhetoric around "re-tooling" our economy to accommodate "green peace" is deeply rooted in communism and a centrally-planned / big-government radical ideology.

First, the climate has been changing for as long as humans have been on the earth (~6,000 years). So the thought that new taxes, radical politicians, and sign-wielding activists are going to change that is deeply delusional.

Second, our economy and the superior American standard of living (prior to Joe B. & Coup'mala) is largely facilitated through our production and consumption of fossil fuels. Plain and simple. Thus, the radical attempt to prevent or replace fossil fuels within the US, can and should be viewed as intentionally and fundamentally erasing American prosperity.

The good news is: the US - the worlds largest consumer (and most abundantly endowed producer) of fossil fuels, can easily dominate the global oil market. Let's look for this scenario to play out, post-recession.
Harmonic Patterns
