MonacoCoin (MCO) Long against USD, trend analysis

Holiday time were though for most of the Cryptocurrencies, lot of them are breaking or approaching support. Most of them will rebound and this could be happening sooner and sharper than expected.
- Most of the profit have been taken during the holiday season
- The crazy phase about "Bitcoin Bubble" is calming down
- 2018 hold a lot of promises for Cryptocurrencies.

In the case of MCO, it is approaching it's first support and could be good timed with the first wave of delivery of the MonacoCards and their used.
Their KYC process is well implemented and easy to use, and their product appear reliable. The only problem shown today is that they can deliver cards as their list of waiting people keep growing. Customer should get in line now in the hope of using their card during the next quarter.

Analysis done by The Foil
30.12.2017 19:49

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