
LTC.USD P-Modeling Pt 3. Matrix Spirals Laughs of Cajun

Glitch420 업데이트됨   
Welcome to the future of Technical Analysis.
This is Pt 3. Trial 1 on LTC's Global Ecosystem.

Find the "we are here" bubble.
I am most likely wrong...

but what... if..
good enough for me!

Target bottom Buy is $6.25
April 20th, 2020. The real fun begins.

Come for the laughs, stay for the Art.
Think in Loops.
Think in Strings.
Begin to connect them.
You see weird things...

Oof. Tis so Pretty.. But is it functional?... That is the question of the day.
Bet your ass, I am shorting this again into the ground. Despite my previous failures.

Lets take a look Glitch Failures. I love to laugh at myself for this one.
PT 1.
I did much better on PT 2. nailed the spiral targets on that but stopped modeling after the initial Pt 1. rektion and moved on.

Failure is a necessary presupposition to success.
Laugh with me into madness.

Now for some deep thinking. Cheers.

Thanks for Pondering the Unknown with Me,


*Disclaimer: If you seizure prone, turn the brightness all the way up for extra eye bleed. This is financial advice.
액티브 트레이드:

Original Snapshot.
액티브 트레이드:
Yellow Fractal followed...


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