
Dejavu - trade idea

Last time we have seen CHAINLINK near the 200DEMA was back in Dec. 2020- Jan 2021. The market is pretty overheated, a lot of people already started shouting 10x gains on every coin, so it means that we can have another leg down before the next major rise. The current zone is kinda like a no trade zone, its 50-50% if it goes up or down, so a bounce from the 200DEMA (around 27-28$) will give us a higher percentage chance to the upside.

이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.