
Link - nailed it - past 4 months = my best trading yet!

Last 4 months planned pretty much went perfectly - very happy.


- Plan off the daily timeframe (although this is published on the 4hr :)
- Keep sharing. Whilst I would never expect anyone to trade off my ideas I hope they gave some confidence to a few folk and bots to make some good decisions. I think we all share ideas to cement our own convictions and these certainly helped me stay invested when markets looked gloomy (e.g. XRP dragging the markets down end of December)
- You can be right today and wrong the next. My prediction by end of Jan was a red month across equities and crypto. Hopefully the recent BTC 30% dip has reduced this risk for the crypto market but a 60% drop form highs is always a risk / opportunity. Either way there is potential more upside on Link - see LINKBTC

Best, Hard Forky


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