Stong Stock ITC

Itc is fundamentally strong stock that is giving breakout in daily timeframe
Stock is tradingbabove 20 50 200 ema respectively you can buy it with stop loss of below 50 ema
Target 500 for 6 month time span its not a recommendation it's my own study please do your analysis first
As you see it's currently trading above cpr it can move to resistance 1 and 2 respectively
Stock is Clearly in uptrend it's can seen by moving averages and cpr
Here is result of this stoc

ITC Q2 : ST NET PROFIT UP 21 % AT 4460 CR (YOY) , UP 7 % (QOQ)

REVENUE UP 27 % AT 16130 CR (YOY), DOWN 6 % (QOQ)

EBITDA UP 27 % AT 5864 CR (YOY), UP 4 % (QOQ)

MARGINS AT 36.35 % V 36.3 % (YOY), 32.7 % (QOQ)


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