
IMXUSDT - WATCH OUT❗ Trade with Caution

Hi Traders, Investors and Speculators 📈📉

Ev here. Been trading crypto since 2017 and later got into stocks. I have 3 board exams on financial markets and studied economics from a top tier university for a year. Daytime job - Math Teacher. 👩🏫

A quick look at IMXUSDT. The chart is not looking strong and at this point, it's looking more like a liquidity ruggpull. However, the team and the website has been confirmed to be real and not a scam so it could make a part of a diversified portfolio. The first target being the previous point with the highest volume at $1.8.

Even though there is upside potential, I would trade this coin with caution and always remember to use a stop-loss !


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