
If you invested $30,000 in HMNY stock in 1997 you would now have

The haters said HMNY would die in 2002 but then it went up several thousand percent,
The haters said HMNY would die in 2004 but then it went up several thousand percent,
The haters said HMNY would die in 2010 but then it went up several thousand percent,
The haters said HMNY would die in 2015 but then it went up several thousand percent,
The haters said HMNY would die in 2017 but then it went up several thousand percent,

And in between these years each time the haters called for the death of moviepass the stock went up hundreds of percent.

The bears are calling for the end but it is what they said last time, and last time, and last time. Oh, history will not be kind to them.
The bears have kept pushing their narrative but... oh wait the stock is now under investigation finally nevermind <runs away with suitcase full of gullible investors money>.
Beyond Technical AnalysisHMNYponziusstocks

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