HBAR / BTC - Repeating Pattern Update

Quick update, the repeating pattern idea posted a while back continues to be the most accurate of my forecasts for HBAR / BTC. We bounced off of the green support area, as well as the top of the bull flag we broke out of. This was the same behavior we saw prior to our previous big move up.

The longer we drag out here, whether through June, July, or longer, the larger the potential becomes for our eventual move up against bitcoin. Alternatively, the more immediately we move, the lower the high will be as opposed to dragging out for weeks/months (see TP 1 and 2 for a more immediate move, for a dragged out move - we could see 1400 to even 3.5k sats or higher).

Expecting that we range for some time between the green support and red resistance areas for some time, potentially with a few wicks that could take us to or near 700-860s sats or as low as the bottom of our green support area (potentially touching the top of the flag again if lower). Eventually we should break our recent high and/or 864 (weekly all-time high), re-test and then take off into price exploration.

Original chart linked below and here:

HBAR / BTC - Repeating Pattern Idea - Worst-Case Bull Scenario
I feel like we're prepping for our move up soon. Expecting a bit more sideways movement prior, and... the longer that occurs, the bigger the move will be (in either direction, but expecting up). That said, it could happen any moment now:

Sideways movement could include yet another test of the green box/two yellow lines within the green box (anywhere between the bottom of green and top of red boxes)
Chart PatternshbarHBARBTCTrend Analysis

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