
Buy 18Mar swing puts - be willing to hold

OptionsRising 업데이트됨   
On 11Feb, the selling gave a prime example of "one good trade is all it takes." Just one weekly put could have given you 8-10 times return. Most of the time I cannot time the market, but I have confidence in another selloff (based on indicators). To prepare for this, I am watching 30m and daily timeframes to find an entry to buy puts. Even if I buy too early I will use only enough capital that I can hold this trade until I have good reason to close it for a loss.

I had 18Mar 2300 puts last week, but I sold them with profit on Friday because I wanted to reassess my entry and strike choice this week. I will also be on the lookout for day trades later in the week (when options are cheaper) or other quick swing trades.
No puts yet for me. Markets may go higher.

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