GOLD 4hr, "The anxious spring climb"

A further leap puts this Jag on a anxious spring climb. will it approaches 1440? the curves support 1576 A)( pan up.

Solid Blue line is really steep, unless one needs the stuff and others have much of it. .

Dashed Yellow proved to be real resistance . The Jag Saw and heard its call. E 9 is a not a bad sideways. If needed.

If Banks keep on buying , and they will, then we a have wide open Up! to Thin Green a() . Above that there is B () rooted 12 Dec '17; that is another meta-stable channel; If needed. a() is the lower bound of a wider, more volatile regime; rooted 17 Dec '15, the 1060 USD bottom. A '19 contested market should be brought to B() for manners to prevail.
This Jag will hear E9
C ( was not too steep. it was too scary !
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTrend Analysis

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