
GME Fib Levels and Gap. Nothing Has changed

GratefulGains 업데이트됨   
NYSE:GME   GameStop
Like I told you,
Like I said,
Steal your face right off your head.
- He's Gone

Look at them Levels Hit. Read my past TA. Nothing has Really changed. Looking at it through a 3 hour view.

We touched the 1.61 in my short term fib levels. If we drop below this I am expecting a Gap fill @ $125. Possible bottom arround $112 to swing back up. Fib Traders like swinging between the .38 and .61

Become Bull closing over 163.

Still looking at a down side in the short/ mid term, or at least until June when the vote to split goes through.

Let me know your thoughts.
125ish gap is filled.

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