How the west economy is reliant on modern atlantic slave trade

If Hitler started an NGO to give money to poor Palestinians he'd have exterminated the jews with western donations.

If you take a 10 year old kid the cost for the west to produce a wageslave will be higher, maybe 40k, but it's still money saved, and they can start the brainwashing younger.

The west is losing their grip on Africa, things will change.

Migrants will stop coming and even leave and this will happen before the end of the century:
- Cheap healthcare personel will not exist anymore
- Sexual exploitation of poor women by boomers will end
- Nationalists will let it happen with a smile of relief
- The economies will tank, the standard of living will be below east europe (already almost there)
- Ethnic tensions will go up in the west like Yugoslavia
- You will kneel and kiss our feet, and we will enslave you
- I will point and laugh and say "told you so"

I think part of it is the french want revenge for getting enslaved for centuries by pirates and sahelian tribes.
Don't you worry, will all the harm you have done soon things will go back to normal "just comply and you will gain your freedom soon enough".

Libya same story. The country societal pillars were destroyed by the west commies with their childish utopias.
And the council of tribes said Gaddafi son was the only one they'd let represent them.
Tripoli is in the hands of militias of slavers, well done democracy.

Once the west falls, and it will snowball as migrants will stop coming and even leave, Africa will finally be able to get rid of this "democracy" (even the USA doesn't have a direct democracy, why doesn't west Europe try to bring their utopia there?), and go back to solid traditional societal pillars. The tribes will manage to agree and work together. The danger is to overdo it, to become too traditional. Under Ghadaffi Libya was very developed, the before after pictures are insane.
The Emirate Arab United managed to united, I do not know this place well and I know they are 10 times more indian workers than arabs but at least they worked together and got very developed and rich.

It's beyond belief how gullible and stupid and submissive westerners are, I do not wish to ever argue with them, they will be the slaves of the arabo-berber tribes because that's all they are good for. With the exception of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings as covid has proven. The stereotype was true who would have thought? "Oh noes so much war and misery in Africa" gee yes I wonder why, and it always happens after you help them damn how come? Must be 5000 coïncidences by now.

Lmao the black arab-berber Toubou tribe of south Libya has 33% R1b dna markers, this is the gene from west Europe, how did it end up there? XD
Slaves from the coast south of France is my guess. It's ok to mix with them because it is the same race. And they can select the ones they want to keep in their gene pool.

400 AD south of Roman Gaul: "These puny barbarians can't touch us we are advanced"
500 AD south of Roman Gaul: Frankish rulers overhear the gaul nobles they just shaved say it was "humiliating", for daring to say such a thing they are put to death :)

When pirates captured Julius Caesar he told them "I will come back, I will find you, and then I will execute you"
They laughed
And then he came back :)

Here is a printable version:
economyGDPGrowthTrend AnalysisValue
