

OANDA:GBPUSD   영국 파운드/미국 달러
This is a very very important topic I’ll present.
And to understand this one must eliminate all bias. Assess the probabilities of both sides of the trade! And then apply what ultimately matters the most and that is market psychology..

Now we and go back and forth or anyone on how to trade gu and all be right cuz there’s really no wrong insight but what matter is what the market is MOST LIKELY TO DO.
and this has nothing to do with any other factors outside of the markets agendas.
And all we know is what the market usually do most of the time and this here is what I’ll present as true students of price action will undoubtedly agree why cus they see it happen all the time in the markets history!

And this is why it’s safe to say


So let’s explore this here on gu

Now we can see that price been in a ranging channel and not a trending channel as we can see price stay above the ma and below the upper b bands. Thus tops and bottoms can be picked.
Now gu broke out of this range. How we know? By the lack of bearish body as price went for the high. This is seen as a breakout.
NOW most breakout fail!
What’s a fail breakout?
A failed breakout is when the market fails to make a higher high after the first pullback candle.
So what happen here?
The bears took that high candle and sold down the whole week and the next! Thus this is a failed breakout !
Now we see price is retracing to the .5 percent of the breakout with a rejection at the .3 and a pullback at the .6

Now here’s the important part that most traders don’t consider. And this is how the market capitalize on their greed.

1. What are we taught when it comes to trend continuation.?
Buy the pullback !
But most pullback into a continuation fail!
Most ppl will agree especially on the first attempt.
But this is broader than the first attempt.

So we have the complex pullback
What this is is a interchange that divergent back into the main trend.
This is the state gu is currently sitting at and it’s a reason why! The market was left like this.! They want ppl to see it they want ppl to use their indicators and grab their fibs and see the price is being rejected at the 6. They want you to see that you moving averages are there as support. All this is staged.. and they want ppl to see price is dropping for those who just follow price they will be ready to sale soon the market open.
Now the market is playing both traders the more technical one who sees the complex pullback and the regular trader who just see price is dropping

And what will the market do?
Stop both of them!
Why? Cause this is the history of the market! So for someone to just say buy and hold gu he’s silly!

Now let continue cuz this is really deep stuff you won’t get anywhere..

So most breakout fail which is also includes the simple pullback.
So what about the complex?
The abc pattern
As here we have a bullish and bearish
The bullish is for the thirsties who want to get back in the trend and these are the more advance traders as the market will feed them. They see the first move down as A the first leg with the D being the last leg that’s shows a low rejection that pulled the bear candle back 50% that responded to their demand zone their trendline and their ma. GOOD 😌 the market got you feeling yourself...this will be the blue v
And then
You have those who see the bearish abc
With the trend swing being A and the last bear swing the (b for the bulls) being the C. Thus they will be ready to sell the move higher. Off their .5 fib or 6 extension from the breakout. This will be the red

See there there are two sides each have a pullback each has a fib ratio that the market will react to each
This is why some of the top price action traders don’t use indicator or patterns just price action and candle reading!

So now that we see both sides of the coin

What is the market most likely to . And when to enter!

I’ll say this much the odds are against the bulls why? When it’s 50/50.?

1. Market most likely will continue doing what they been doing.
Meaning if gu is this low it’s cause they wanted it that way! Pairs rarely reverses they just pullback for whatever direction the main trend is in and just be a nice way to get traders on the opposite side of the main trend! This means that if the pair monthly is bearish most of the time any move against that will soon be swallowed! As it requires more money to reversal a trend. And trillions had been invested in it being this way. So again for anyone to just say buy and hold against the main trend is foolish!

Next that understand how reversal works in the market
As most pullback fail even in the medium trend. What we have here!

Let me walk you through this
The market present these options to traders during certain moments.
This is at areas of high resistance and support. There’s no other options but to stop most traders out in both direction so they can continue their agenda
Now when a market trend and start to correct around these zones one must start to use psychology over anything else.

So gu approached this resistance, acceleration to get up on it and got kicked at its high. The pair sold!
Now any deep penetration into a trend will always impact its future movements as most of the time it don’t recover! Now gu never established a strong trend it channel, as it ranged in channel as this maybe the best option to break the resistance so it’s not a bad look!
But the likelihood it will Start breaking new highs DONT fit the chart past and current history.
But still minus that that just focus on what the market do the most!
And that is to break on top of resistance from a trend pullback and fail at the next attempt
This is why most pullback fails. Cus a complex swing is just a leg on a higher timeframe !
So it don’t matter the outcome based on the markets history is failure!
And what do this look like on the chart,.? It’s a lower high mountain double top..
Now you can go around and look on your charts anytime frame and see how often they appear!
The complex move is just the move up and then the Market hits and orderblock and drops and this is how markets reverses!
The swing up to the doom have all those technical traders who uses they’re skills and tools along with there desire to buy into a trend continuation only to get stop! So the market DONT care about the ma the ratios etc etc Again go look yourself! Grab you fib retrace the move grab the ma n you’ll see that that swing up to doom bounce off the 6 with ma etc all these.
This is why most pullback fails and you just cannot trade with them in this case especially Around critical zone as we are in here and what makes its worst is that the market left it here over the Weekend!

So how to trade gu..
The market is bearish main trend ! Keep this in mind always!
The bears started to show themselves you must respect this
we are overbrought on the higher time this is important! This means that the highest timeframe pressure is moving downward. Some ppl don’t understand this concept
So the highest probability trade is what is present we have high tails a bearish range etc etc it’s only wise to look for short entries since the market pullback at resistance and most pullback fail !

Now this doesn’t mean the bull won’t win here as I did a bull trade set up.
But you cannot look to buy at this level
You WILL LOSE! The market will prey on you!
So how to you buy gu?
It have to be at a lower level or after the break of the high trying to buy without a sale off isn’t smart! And I’m surprised to see so many long entries from these so called institutional brokers or whatevs they call themselves with their logos etc! Who hired ya? Ok my bad but still you don’t buy a pull back into a trend at resistance ppl cus again don’t take my word or your indicators take the rap sheet of the MARKET!!! listen to that!! Look at those lower highs double tops and even the higher high tops! So even if it makes a slight higher high giving the market a new high the odds is we will have a double top still. And fir the market to continue going up to the moon is highly unlikely!

How to trade
The safest way is to watch both pull back entries and stay out until both sides had been breach if you cannot then it’s best to do what price is currently doing


And remember these two sides to a trade you have to use probability when trading. The bulls have a .6 so do the bears. And so!!


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