
GBPUSD Break CTL and go long from within Buy Zone

hope.bleecker 업데이트됨   
FX:GBPUSD   영국 파운드/미국 달러
I am waiting for price to break the CTL. Looking to buy on a retracement into the buy zone range, which is approximately between 1.3970 and 13877. Buy a bullish formation within the range after the CT line break bullish. Trade price back up to resistance target at 1.4187. Place the stop below the latest low at approximately 13860. Thanks!
액티브 트레이드:
Was able to catch this from 139.. What the bears are failing to realize is that we have a retracement zone in play on the daily.. the pop north from the buy zone above that gave us a hint last week for about 70 pips was just a little foreshadowing that the bulls would attempt this again. Learn to pick up on these clues and learn to hold into your targets.
액티브 트레이드:
Taking Pound at 1.42 target because of Non-Farm tomorrow. Happy trading everyone.. This was a good one for us!


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