
GBPUSD, Technical & Fundamental SELL (updated) (up

FX:GBPUSD   영국 파운드/미국 달러
1.There is a price channel (grey) which in my opinion it is about to be broken
2. The support trend line (green) within the price channel is been already broken and became resistance
3. Negative RSI divergence indicates change in trend direction
4. Target at 1.28, Pivot at 1.307

1. U.K faces the worst political crisis since 1940
2. Economical data worsen from date to date
3. Still all Brexit options open, no Brexit deal more likely
4. One trillion £ has been moved out fro the U.K.

Over all, pound remains the best performing pair for 2019, for some reason no one knows, pound is been supported for long time despite the bad news. This time seems to be over, as investors do not believe any more in a smooth Brexit.

So, overall, SELL.

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