
Bearish opportunity

UnknownUnicorn300837 업데이트됨   
FX:GBPUSD   영국 파운드/미국 달러
Spotted various opportunities on the pairs in my portfolio (EURUSD is at an interesting level, as well as GBPNZD and GBPJPY; will also be keeping an eye on AUDUSD and AUDCAD after the bearish move during the night), but nothing that fits my trading plan as I don't have any rules (YET) for those. So the only thing on my radar is this small bearish Cypher.

I could be tempted to jump on those opportunity, but have no clue where I'd put targets and stop because I haven't tested any of those yet. The key is to STRICTLY stick to the rules in your trading plan, and putting the work in to add strategies, entry tecnics and new rules over time so you can get involved with more opportunities. One step at a time !

Good luck in the markets (check my bio for links to social medias)
Pattern is now invalid (C leg closed beyond the 1.414 Fib extension).
Moving on to the next opportunity

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