
Tell me I am Wrong about the Brits

OANDA:GBPJPY   영국 파운드/일본 엔

I wanted to verify my views on GBPJPY as to whether or not it is truly on the uptrend. I was high yesterday so I doubted my report yesterday. But with a sober mind I can say price action is definitely bullish. Price currently is on my green 38.2 fib, which is slightly above my orange 38.2 fib. Odds are if price does not move upward it will trend sideways.

Price action is quite bullish. The next price goal is @145.000, but I see long term price action towards 145.500. Not only is it a major quarter point, but I have two fib levels that show confluence in that area.

If price moves towards 144.000, then we must wait until further price action.


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