FTM - Fantom - ghosts of Andre / pick your poison degens

FTM - Fantom - ghosts of Andre / pick your poison degens

Last idea attached was range prediction which worked out well, just needed to be stretched out a bit but hey same shit.


option 1 ; yay
option 2 ; poo + extra poo maybe

option 3 ; poo + extra mega poo (not on chart but its like -8373738%

i even put the fractals on for your viewing pleasure.

I have no idea which fractal plays but i feel like one of them will. note the option 1 CMF looks very similar, where as option 2 not so much. RSI could play both ways but option 1 looks a bit better.

Invalidation levels are quite clear ; id play it on a macro scale to those.

note; if option 1 is a go then interestingly avax ran a few days earlier for its first pump. so maybe the nifty move is to all in avax, get that pump to last high, then go all in ftm. ill be trying that anyway if option 1 seems likely.

then again maybe we are in completely uncharted waters and this thing does something novel. theres a good chance of that too. i just use fractals to try and give me some bearing not read the future. that said they often play out very well (until they suddenly don't).

my theory on that is the market makers algos basically run the same programs to fleece the noob leveraged degens

might do a avax chart but this is prob my last until we see where this ship is headed. should find out very soon.

get that lube out lads and ladies. your fist is coming.
Chart PatternsfantomfantomanalysisfantomforecastfantomusdtFractalFTMftmusdFTMUSDTTrend Analysis

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