
Franco Nevada to Keep Pumping as Gold Rolls Higher

Franco Nevada is a phenomenal company that focuses on the royalty streaming platform (significantly muted risk) of precious metals and dips into other miscellaneous sectors (PGMs, Energy, etc). What's interesting is Franco will continue to surge faster and faster as Gold and Silver continue to go higher and higher, it really is that simple. This is not a mining stock - it collects royalties therefore it has no operating risk.

Many people, even central bankers believe 2000 is in the cards, and if you talk to non-traditional economists outside the lamestream media - in reality - Gold will go much much higher than 2000 over the course of the next 5 year period.

Therefore, as Gold and Silver rise, so will the revenue of mining companies and thus will Franco's earnings. In-fact they have reported record earnings for the past year which is when Gold began its bull run. If you look at the history of the company, their stock has remained considerably stable even when Gold was in a bear market.

I view FNV as one of the safest investments for strong capital appreciation and setting a target price is actually useless because under no circumstance can Gold go up and the stock not outperform. As such I view 200.00 as a sure bet by the end of 2020.

Forecast for 2020
- Gold to 1900-1950
- Silver to 24

- zSplit

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