
FAANGs (Daily) SELL; Massive SHORT, good for a -33% drop!

Nemo_Confidat 업데이트됨   
It's done! Put a fork in it. - Much like the last time... :-) - See attached post.
Actually, this post's title is missing the word "initial "(drop). - Because the Full Cycle drop, for the FAANGs, will be ~60%!
Here is the Weekly view.
Ya'll have a nice day now!
Now, to those "stock fiends" who don't like this idea...
... please, inform yourselves, perhaps starting with the body of this post:
... and for those who are unfamiliar as to how I feel about trading stocks...
... perhaps this post will clear it up.
... and;
When Benjamin Graham was asked in 1933: "How is it possible for the US Stock Market to lose 90% of it's value?", he replied: "It's very simple, really. First it looses 50% of it's value then it goes on to loose 80% of the remainder."
Ohh yeah...
... that looks promising. - Not! Good luck with that garbage!
As Graham & Dodd lamented in the depths of the Great Depression, “The notion that the desirability of a common stock was entirely independent of its price seems incredibly absurd. Yet the new-era theory led directly to this thesis… An alluring corollary of this principle was that making money in the stock market was now the easiest thing in the world. It was only necessary to buy ‘good’ stocks, regardless of price, and then to let nature take her upward course. The results of such a doctrine could not fail to be tragic.”
BAAM!!! And that is how it's done. :-)
I. The Foundations of Fundamental Analysis -

1) "Trading success is dependent on in-depth analysis, due diligence and economic insight."
- That is as true as the Tooth Fairy, although the later has significantly more utility.
Markets are driven by two (2) things, only(!!); Fear and Greed - in no particular order.

2) " 'Crashes' are initiated by external shocks.
A) Nothing could be farther from the truth! Inform yourself. (Perhaps Google, Bing, etc.)
B) Even if the above were true - which it is absolutely not! -.... Wasn't there some pandemic or something, going around somewhere?... - I don't know, I could 've been misinformed.

II. Advanced Fundamental Analysis -
Chapter 1)
When more money is buying than selling, markets go up.

Chapter 2)
When more money is selling than buying, markets go down.

- The End -
- HERD... ... immunity & mentality -
Sound familiar? (Covid-Sars-2 & the FAANGs)
The same set of idiots believing that both will work itself out.

" That the rate of interest will be lower when commerce languishes and when there is little demand for money, than when the energies of commerce are in full play and there is an active demand for money, is indisputable; but it is equally beyond doubt, that every speculative mania which has run its course of folly and disaster in this country has derived its original impulse from cheap money."

– The Economist, 1858 (h/t Jamie Catherwood)

A 162 year old quote which could have been written yesterday.
Ohh, and BTW; "herd immunity" does Not stop the spread of the virus, it only provides a better opportunity to contain newer cases, without the spread becoming exponential, once again.
거래청산: 타겟 닿음:
FLAT for now.
액티브 트레이드:
Massive SHORT
Now, with the "mandatory Stop Hunt" out of the way, it's ready to plunge!
Here is the PCCE (Put/Call Ratio), the VIX (Volatility)...
... and everything else that tells the story.
Also done!
Put a fork in it - SHORT!
Also done!
Put a fork in it - SHORT!
Also done!
Put a fork in it - SHORT!
You wanna see a "Massive SHOT???...
SPX / Nikkei225

How about a "Devastating SHORT"??...

DJIA / Nikkei225
... making US Equities "The Worst Deal" in the entire, known Universe!! (OK, may be Zambia or the DRC is inline with the US :-)
Consequently, we fully expect a minimum -55%+ decline in the Nasdaq100 by the end of this full cycle. (More like -60%, to be accurate)
In short, we fully expect US Market Capitalization to decline by 2/3 by the end of this investment cycle! (An abject, generational and "complete devastation", one might observe.)
Ironically, that would be still nothing more than a garden-variety reversion to historical norms.
Don't drink the Cool-aid!
Recognize a Stop Hunt when you see one.
거래청산: 타겟 닿음:
Flat, for now... (Having made stupid money here in just few days:-)
... to switch to the DJIA.
Still time to get in! :-)
DJIA / Nikkei225

Here is the big picture;
액티브 트레이드:
"How soon?...", you ask...
Looks to me that this is already in range, this week.
Regarding Wall Street's "check mark shaped economic recovery" ....
... and similar tall tales.
Wanna see the (imminent) future fate of Wall Street's "check mark shaped economic recovery"??...
Copper Weekly; "The base metal of economic expansions".
Has anyone ever seen an RSI Divergence ( the size of Montana) like this one, not to mention that perfect, massive H & S on the same RSI? - Text book.
Here is an other clue: Crude Oil
You do know this is headed home - as into the tank! Right?!
This alone will kill it, in short order.

...and if you're Long here this is what futility looks like. - Despite $8 Trillion printed by the US Fed. and all the stick-saves they may attempt in the future.
So if you have a 401k, make sure it's *** Short ***! - Especially the Dow but that, in reality, is a little difference without distinction. All the indices will lose >65% of their value in the not-too-distant future.
Even T-Bills will outperform US Indexes by somewhere +3%-4% annually before all these will bottom.
... and in case any one is wondering where all this may be headed?...
Current Post
Again, THIS
IS THE CURRENT POST!! (And has been for a very long time.)


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