
$F which one of these gaps are we filling first, boys?

Bull gap BELOW current SP - 6.3 pips 15.92 ; 16.55

Bear gap ABOVE current SP - 12.4 pips 18.63 ; 19.87

Personally, I am bearish short term, expecting to kiss that lower gap and possibly fill it before a potential bounce back to the upside.

Possible Wyckoff Distribution setup was forming on 1D prior to earnings.

Personally took a puts gamble on earnings. I have been following $F for some time now and the strength of the stock was obviously slowing. (Not to mention Cramer was pumping it lol)

Hasn't had much legs since pumping and retracing quickly back to consolidation/support zone which was then lost on a big gap down after most recent earnings.

Which way do you think she's heading?

As always, manage your risk and GOOD LUCK!

Not advice just insight*


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