
F : Downside priced in already

I am not sure if the trade wars and tariffs will be what they say..... I am selling a 9 put (22 delta) in Ford all the way out in December (148 days) for a whopping .22 cents. I would have a bowtie myself if I had to buy an American car but the price of Ford has been pretty static for as long as I can remember and they were not bailed out so.... It seems going out further in time to reduce commissions is the better way to trade this microcap (perfect for the IRA) Not really a growth story but not volatile and might be a better fit for this account with everything else near highs, take a contrarian stance and sell a put.
Closed this one for a scratch and it took an awfully long time....... I couldn't wait for December as it seemed to be performing poorly.
