Brazil oddly bullish as the world burns

Looking over the charts of markets around the world, SPX, EEM, FXI, Russia, it would seem the world is plunging into a bear market.

Yet this chart of Brazil looks oddly bullish, especially after the 10% pop yesterday. Poring over the news, there could be something happening in Brazil's government that is pro-economy.

No position, as I don't think anything will really escape a worldwide bear market. But this country is one to watch carefully. It could outpace during the next bull market. It did, after all, get smashed really hard not only in 2018, but this whole decade. Such carnage lays the foundation for actual reform and progress. Unlike the US markets, which as QE fueled bubbles, have allowed the US to forego addressing real problems, avoid real reform and restructuring.
Longer term, you can see two cup and handles, one large and one smaller. With support at the 200 dma.

IF the US dollar is finally peaking on a long term basis (finally sunsetting as reserve currency) it would also support this chart.

Trend Analysis
