
EURUSD - Idea title obvious

AlpacaBlack 업데이트됨   
FX:EURUSD   유로 / 미국 달러
You just can not imagine how hard it was to bring us here ... 4 banks.
And how useless it will be 4 them at the end. But they did not release it still...
Keep short imho.
I can be wrong, but vol is rising, manipulation level at the extremes, safe heaven is not gold.
At the end nobody interested in physical yellow metal. You can compare diamonds, the same fake market from several manipulators.
Before poof... USD will rise sharply.
This US elections are the main event for surprises.

Not legal and financial advice; any information provided here is only the personal opinion of the author.
Btw silver is the same bullsh*t as gold market. Where you can find such market were main manipulators sell it for 22 yrs straight? Think McFly Think!
"Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Mnuchin spoke by phone today at 11:30 a.m. for approximately 1 hour. The two discussed the justifications for various numbers and plan to exchange paper today in preparation for another phone call tomorrow."
I feel myself as the last idiot on the planet reading this.


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