
Latest Developments on EUR/USD Currency Pair

Libra_01 업데이트됨   
FX:EURUSD   유로 / 미국 달러
The EUR/USD market is currently influenced by the economic conditions in the Eurozone and the United States, alongside the monetary policies of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve (Fed).

Presently, EUR/USD is experiencing a slight upward trend in the short term, attributed to the delayed interest rate hike policies from the Fed compared to initial forecasts.

On the technical chart, EUR/USD has surpassed the significant resistance level of 1.20, indicating strong buying pressure. The 50-day moving average (MA) has effectively turned into a support during the recent uptrend.

Looking ahead to the next week, EUR/USD is expected to maintain its slight upward momentum barring any unforeseen significant news from other markets or key sectors.

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