After huge moves, ETH price needs to adjust to the new normal.
Adjust to $15 ETH (355 days)
- a 60% dip
- Immediate "V" or "U" shape recovery
- 350 days of sideways and bleed
- brutal Oct-Dec, final capitulation down -50% below $7
- Then blast off
Adjust to $400 ETH (147 days)
- a 60% dip
- Immediate "V" or "U" shape recovery
- Sideways, then rising wedge breakout
- Then blast off
Adjust to $1400 ETH (Fail)
- a 75% dip
- Relief rally only to $800, no full V shape
- Failed blast off, 2 year Bear market
Adjust to $4000 ( ??? )
- a 60% dip
- Immediate "V" or "U" shape recovery
- Sideways
- Rising wedge... or beware of a final capitulation ???
- Blast off ???
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