

I had to come to a new conclusion about the price development of the ETH/USD Pair…
So I am sharing what I see in here from the perspective of an E-W Chartist.

Looking at the 1h of ETH/USD I spotted so many open degrees in the running wave, that a bullish conclusion made from the enfolding price structure and the whole behaviour during the DECEMBER-Downers at leat seems quite viable and not too far off:

A new bull is born here, and the „B Wave high-C down to follow“ cannot be hold as the most probable one, at least not for me with this pair here…
The Count with a C down following the up-move running, could be the bearish minded view on it nonetheless, but maybe the bearish minded ones then will wait forever,
because the change of weight is readable in comparison of all the BTC&Alt-Coins markets…

This pair has already shown the most emancipated patterns from BTC and the other heavy BTC correlated Crypto-Currencies, and a change of power to maybe ETHERIUM as THE, or one of 2 or 3 new heavy weight(s) of the Crypto-Currency-market could be imminent and already visible in this emancipated and bullish structure I am looking at here right now.

THE BIRTH OF THE NEW CRYPTO-HEAVY-WEIGHT , the new CC-darling , is for me at least somehow readable in the whole price behaviour of this pair…
„What does not want to go down, maybe has just to move up then….“ could be the words found in reading the price development in the ETH/USD correction started in December…

So then here is a maximum bull-chart 1h I would like to lend the reader/trader to have a look upon.

This will be the basis of the Bulls-Eye-View, antagonist to the „B and C down of Correction to come“ as the „short-term-Bears-Eye-View“of my first ETH/USD Analysisses.

