Happy Easter Weekend!

Hey everyone! 👋

This week, we just wanted to wish the community a happy and healthy Easter holiday weekend.

Additionally, we saw this post by Hellork, and were inspired to run a little competition...

Happy Easter

Over the next couple days, submit your best easter chart art in the comments of this post. The top 5 upvoted posts (within the discretion of the TradingView team, to prevent cheaters) will win a free TradingView T-Shirt! You can't get these anywhere else, and right now only a few people across the globe have them.


The competition will end Monday at 9am Eastern Time, when we will crown the winners. Make sure it's chart art, and not just a copy-pasted image. Time to break out those drawing tools!

Good luck to all, and have a great weekend. :)

- Team TradingView ❤️
Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for all of the awesome submissions. You guys are talented! As for the winners, drum roll please:

The winners of the 5 T-Shirts are:


Awesome chart art, all of you!

We will DM you with the details shortly.

Thanks again everyone for your submissions and have a great week!

-Team TradingView
Beyond Technical Analysis
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