Pre-Market, Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Good morning traders!
Here is the analysis for the moment:

20 Days trend: Up, keeping pretty much the same strenght as last night.

VIX: 20.8, Went up, just as expected, from here the question will be, how much higher will it go, it can be an indicative of how low the market may plunge.

General market: We went lower overnight, as expected from the Volume being put in the Lows of theat little VA we had up, that now passed to be part of the previous VA, making one bigger VA, at a higer price. From here, I can see the following possibilities listed in order of probability:
1.-The market goes lower, until it finds buyers, around the big volume area wi have bellow us, from there, uit comes back into value, and plays around, a little erratic, until it comes on teh higs of the VA.
2.-The market rejects current prices, and we go directly to the top of Value.
3.-We fall bellow the big volume below us (this will be specially true, if the incoming FMOC conference goes south).

For the moment, I'll be willing to go long at 3915. TP at 3966.75, wrong at 3899.25.
Technical IndicatorsTrend Analysis
