EOS Cyclical Behaviour, EOS the first alt to take off?

Here we see EOS Cyclical behaviour (in hindsight). EOS is moving in 100D cycles subdivided in 50D cycles which form lows, 2x 50 day cycles form a high.
From major top to major top took 300 Days, which can be attributed to the Zodiac. From Major low to the next major low, took EOS ~148 days, which evidently fits the theory of 2x50 100D high cycles, where 50D = Low, 100D= High and 150D= a low again. Thus I took another 150 days from that major low and added it which leads us to the 18th of August 2018 as another major cyclical low. Is EOS crashing? yes it is! Is it going to reverse anytime? Well possibly very soon. Predicting a market is not the same as looking at the market in hindsight, its incredibly difficult to predict a market, thus we still need confirmation. Whats great about cycles however is that they give days where big turning points in the market can happen, all you need to do is, figuring out where in the cycle you are and look for the confirmation that the chart is giving you when a cyclical event is about to take place.

Bonus: its 411 Days since the first major cyclical top to the projected date using 50 and 100D low/high cycles. 411 as anyone familiar with numerology or even astrology for that sake knows, is an important number. If you'd like an introduction to what I'm talking about, Gann's book The Tunnel Thru The Air, is a good place to start, mind you its supposed to be a romance with ''hidden messages'' but to me it was a very dry read, but also very interesting. In this book Gann also speaks about 100year/1000Year cycles, referencing the Bible many times, proclaiming it is the best book. What I like to get into however is the 100Year cycle, if you want more in-depth info, I suggest to read the book yourself.

In Gann's book; ''Tunnel Thru The Air'' the protagonist Robert, discovers the hidden secrets of the bible which allow him to make fortunes in the market (and in knowledge). He discovers that the Bible has a cyclical blueprint to which all past and future events can be derived from, all it takes is figuring out where in the cycle you are and then deduct or project. Robert for example argues that planes had already been invented millenia's earlier, and references many Greek, Biblical and Chinese texts to support his claim. He then shows his employer Mr. Kennelworth his research, that there had been 100 years inbetween every great invention, from the steam machine to the railroads to the Steamboats to the first Airplane and shows Mr. Kennelworth his cyclical findings.

Oke 100Year cycles, so in Crypto we have a very volatile market, the same was true 100 Years ago in the stock market. It was volatile and about to burst to the sky. See in 1918 the American Public started getting familiar with investing, that was because the USA had been selling war bonds in an effort to raise money for ''The Great War'' (WW1). The public enthousiasicly engaged with this bond, being able to earn some interest and in so comitting their part to the war. However, a few bankers, some belonging to the house of JP Morgan, noticed the publics enthousiasm and figured that if the Government can sell them Bonds, Wall Street could sell them all kinds of kinky financial stuff, such as stocks, commodities, derivatives and so forth. A marketing campagne was launched and didn't take much before the average household was speculating on the stock market. By early 1920's it wasn't uncommon to see ticker tapes in homes, trains, boats. The market ofcourse soared for a good decade untill September 3, 1929 when the market peaked and the whole thing collapsed. So what am I getting at with this story? Well just like a hundred years ago, a new financial jungle is exposed to the retailer market as was so in 1918. The market has been quickly dominated by retail activity, but not everyone seems that convinced. However, institutions are now lurking realizing they completely missed the boat the first time. These same institutions are now trying to open up this new investment class to the general public (and themselves) rough ETF's, Futures, indexes and every bell and bow will be thrown onto it. So what am I getting at? For those that had not already made the connection; 100 Years ago the stock market opened up to the public, causing a huge ''goldrush'' and a decade of financial prosperity. 93 Years later a new market emerges, Cryptocurrency, a 100 years later and cryptocurrencies are on the verge of going mainstream trough investment-products.

''The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” - The Bible (&Gann's Tunnel Trough The Air)

The bible is not the only religious book that speaks of Cycles. Cycles are an integral part of many religions, the Vedas for example go in depth on Cycles of the Earth and the Cosmos. Often the cycles described here are beyond human conception. But the idea of how a cycle is shaped does give some very usefull information that can be applied. The Vedas see cycles as epiliptical events, its never a perfect circle. So that's why for example there can be a 8 Year Bull run and an only 3 Year Bear Run to give an example. Gann himself is famous for his mysterious practices of trading. Gann Angles, Astrology, Numerology, Calender Cycles we're all said to be part of his strategies to amass fortunes in the stock market. There's a lot of disagreement among Gann students on what he actually practiced and what he did not. Many people believe for example that he merely explored Astrology but never actually incorporated it into his trading strategies. Others think it was an integral part which allowed him to predict the commodity markets so well. Read some of his work and form your own opinion!

Another thing I'd like to say is that, in Gann's book he speaks of technological advancements, now this is something I only actually just realize as I write this. Each of the inventions he had listed improved speed of... transportation. What does blockchain do again? Does it not vastly improof the speed at which money can be sent around the world? (reminder that it takes a good few weeks to send money overseas before you tell me that BTC can only handle 7 tx/s :p). Another thing, Robert also argues that things of today we're already existant in the past, if we belief Robert. The Egyptians had computers, the Greek (atleast one of them) had planes and these technologies resurfaced many times but we're hidden and supressed (Because it was considered dangerous perhaps?) Citing Early Chinese texts that a king had once destroyed blueprints for an aircraft. I'm familiar with these stories, and I know many people argue that the Mahabharatha, a Vedic script of the epic battle of Kuruksetra and the ordeals of different families in India also speaks of Atomic bombs, Airplanes, UFO's and many other technologies that would baffle anyone today to think that these fit in those times where modern science still regards these civilizations primitive. The implications of this is if it is actually true are far-reaching. There are also 8th century Chinese toys that demonstrate the technology of propellor's. Something else to think about is Leonardo Da Vinci, who has invented many things ahead of its time that didn't reach their potential untill WW1. I don't suppose the ancients had their own Bitcoin Gold Rush?

youtube.com/watch?v=bRcu-ysocX4 = a cool video on the collapse of the Bronze age.

And another similarity is for example the huge interest of younger generations towards investments which cryptocurrencies exposed them to. The same can be said about 1918, the huge interest of the public in stocks to which they we're exposed to by Government War Bonds. Technical Analysis is no exception, the interest in Technical Analysis skyrocketed in this decade of financial prosperity. The interest wasn't there anymore after the ''Great Crash'' however. Similarly, there's a big interest of today's generation towards Technical Analysis (including myself) which was sparked by this crypto market.

Gann was either a genius, or the bear market is getting to me ;)
4 days left till calender marked date
1 day before calender marked date, EOS starts shooting up as per my (sloppy) prediction, There's not much point in waiting I think. I'll be looking for an entry.

Congratulations to all those who managed to stick it out in this market, I think this might be the end of it.
Out of the major altcoins EOS has been the only one to produce a higher high. I'd be on the look-out on this one, seems like it could take the spot as the market's favourite, similar to how Ethereum was a big favourite alt in 2017.
EOS making higher lows and higher highs is a pretty good confirmation of what I had expected to happen. I'm also a little thrilled that EOS indeed took of as the first of the major altcoins. Remember that this cyclical analysis is predicting a new cyclical high in november 2018, so I expect a major top to form in this month which you should sell. If the current cyclical trend continues then I expect another cyclical low in early October. I'll make an update somewhere later today or tomorrow for a selling date so you can buy back at the cyclical low early October. I'm expecting another leg up for EOS.

*Note* Trends change, nothing is guarranteed, price action first.
In my opinion the market is clearly picking up in strength. I hope you enjoyed this analysis and got the best entry you could wish for. If you'd like to buy me a coffee or something to show your appreciation.

BTC address 3M8hJHVMLfSyAxRmFDf2RuXvZbVeML2NE5
ETH address 0xcE4adBe52C417222566C7D71e53A5bBd8c9617A4
LTC address LSRNoeL3AZfxYdzyieekZSTFhG78vzaoSc
114cycleCyclesEOSGannHarmonic PatternstrendTrend Analysis
