미국 달러 인덱스

Dxy Forming a New Base ???>

Dxy pounded down hard for one & half day's with little fan-fare response from our favorite topic (((Gold)))!!! Just imagine what happen's to Gold's price action if my chart becomes the future??? i do believe that red line is the new base for Dxy or if you will support???

I believe gold have some more down side too come before soaring to staggering new height's i'm thinKing near term $1940 -$1933 range; Mid term $1919 - $1907. :-) > Megalo
By the way the c-n-h pattern was given early morning in real time i was spurned & bullied about that in the Gold & Oil Chat room's . I also depicted the same pattern for oil in the oil chat room in real time they wanted to tar-n feather me no way was oil going up but i was right in both instances the herd wanted to trample me ,but facts or facts!! :-) > Megalo As always out there in Telly land Good & Fruitful trading!!! P.S. i'll post the that oil Chart later this morning!!
i mention comments like the one above to remind us do not get to set in your ways on any particular stock idea in just a singular mind set!! Markets are constantly changing bye the minute with fabricated news & felonious data & stories from so called experts don't fall for that nonsensical boloney !!


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