
DogeUSD: Probably not quite done yet

Overall crypto market correction has been rough on Doge. So far top to bottom has been about a 44% drop. I don't think this so called "Bullish Dip" is quite done yet. We should see at least one more low to complete the 5 waves sequence of wave 5 of wave C of the wave 2 correction. Even though the bullish invalidation is way back at $0.05, I will start to get nervous if Doge breaks down below the minor degree wave 1 top at around $0.11. That will be below 0.5 retracement and will be a sign of extreme weakness. Even below $0.12, things will start to look like a H&S pattern and bears will come out to eat this puppy alive. Let's see how this plays out, but I would expect this volatility to continue for a few more weeks. Stay safe out there.


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