
Psychological Assessment of Dogecoin

BUYERS- The people we want to take into heavy consideration are those who have either purchased around 5c or are in the water atm from buying when it was overextended. Either way, they are not too keen on selling atm until a clean break of the blue line. HOWEVER, some may be interested in selling when it returns to previous highs and could lead to some failed retests or stair stepping price action (although doge rarely stairsteps up only down); however, due to bull situation atm, people selling at ath will probably be lighter than a typically ath retest.

SELLERS- People who have sold or shorted are most likely looking for a rebuy or have already closed their positions, respectively. I don't think there are many outstanding short positions so fuel from shorts closing their positions, if it goes up, will probably not be a huge factor.

Overall, I think we see some more fluctuations, and an eventual pattern of higher highs that'll lead to another pump.

not financial advice.
stay safe.


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