Revolving around my idea "A long depression, the rise of facism, a new Kondratiev cycle", today (or yesterday) is the 20 year anniversary of Hugo Chavez election.
"Hurray!" people were yelling 20 years ago.
"I am starving!" is what they yell today...
Once again, people got stupid (mostly uneducated ignorant people that often represent the majority of voters - democracy flaw), elected an incompetent fool, and cheered.
He destroyed the country. Short term he looked really good, and people loved him.
He died thinking he would be remembered a hero. But who cares about what some random igorant fool thinks.
But 20 years later, there has been no celebration of the "socialist hero that brought down the rich".
The country is failure, a ruin.
On the day he was elected he declared "a new page in our history".
That, he was right about.
"Place a frog in a pot of boiling water, the story goes, and it will jump out. But place it in a pot of cold water and gradually, almost imperceptibly, ratchet up the temperature, and the frog will calmly sit there until it’s boiled to death." (Not really, frogs are not as stupid as humans it seems)
People (ignorant) still love him, but he single handedly destroyed a country that has IMMENSE Oil reserve (that's quite a feat so props to him).
Now the country is in economic, political, and social chaos.
People are fighting the police in the streets because they are unhappy about food shortages (ye that'll help).
10% of the country just got out lel, they just left. Those that stayed behind are almost all living in extreme poverty.
GOOD JOB socialists well done! There are no evil rich now. Now EVERY ONE is extremely poor :)
A good lesson for the few that are wiling to open their eyes and learn from history.
Let others repeat the same mistakes over and over, while you make it.
Laugh at their face when they complain that life is unfair and you are a greedy bastard.
Now, I am not saying the the USA is in the same boat. This is just a lesson, might want to short an economy when obvious dumb crap happens, but after the initial euphoria (same with Turkey dumb borrowing rules Erdogan made).
Trump is acting like this hero "make america great again" and ruining the economy, but just a little bit, it is not that serious imo.
America corporations are big, it is a huge country regardless of its companies (by size, arable land, inhabitants), and the companies here are international. It takes much more to destry that country's economy. I think there will be a bear market because there has always been one, the dow crash maybe around 50%, then eventually go back up.