DigiByte DGB/USD Rolling Pivots. Big move soon?

DGB has a long history, great dev team, it's super fast and as useable today as any coin out there. I add these fundamentals not as shill but because it's a great coin to watch from a historical perspective. What makes it great is that it's more organic in movement than most, an O.G. POW coin that's time tested alongside the likes of BTC and LTC. Sometimes ALT coins can be used as indicators for the market. If you watch DGB you know it's not going away and that often it has systematic movements that can help predict the market. Also its affordable and only on every exchange expect Binnance, which can lead to some non organic growth. Also see Dogecoin now that it's being taken seriously

Beyond Technical AnalysisDGBDGBBTCdgbbtclongdgbusddigibyteTrend Analysis

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