
Digibyte to .035 before RSI Gets to 80? Then Stabilize at .035

LIke to finally see Digibyte get out of its sideways rut and hit .035 and stay there just enough to make that a new support line. Then we have a chance for higher ground. But until .035, I see it bouncing in between to .025 & .027. People need to get out of XRP the damage has been done. Buy Digibyte and GET DIGI WIT IT!
Also just because it is still in cents and not dollars does not by any means show that it is a bad investment. With 84.40% in the positive for a year which is better than average stock returns by far. This has better technology going for it than Bitcoin. WOuld love to see it replace XRP! Buy and HODL, be patient and reap the rewards years from now. Not getting rich overnight is a good thing and you will be wealthy if you sit tight and HODL!


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