

Stacking DGB responsibly (not financial advice)

Apply 50% rule for purchases
- purchase initial position using half the amount you want to invest
- only ever purchase more if the price falls by 50%, using half of the remaining amount
- you have an infinite number of times to purchase
- apply the same formula to any new crypto position

Apply the 10% rule for withdrawals
- sell 10% if position does 100x
- sell 10% (of the remaining 90%) if it doubles from there
- sell another 10% (of the remaining 81%) if it doubles from there and so on
- you have an infinite number of times to sell

Specific example:
- lets say you had $1000 to buy Digibyte in 2016
- maybe you bought at .0008 in the bull run 625,000 ($500)
- in the next 15 months you would have bought 625,000 at .0004 ($250)
- and 625,000 more at .0002 ($125)
- you now have 1,875,000 Digibyte (cost $875)
- in 2018 you sell 187,500 at .04 ($7500) (100x average buy price)
- sold 168,750 at .08 ($13,500)
- now you made $21,000 by selling roughly 1/5 of your original $875 investment.
- the remaining 1,518,750 Digibyte has roughly never been worth less than $15,000 and for a very short window of time it could have been sold for $182,000 in addition to the $21,000 you made along the way.
- but now you have 1,518,750 DGB going into the next bull run.

Stack responsibly

Do you think DGB will 100x, 200x, or 500x in the next bull run?


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