It is said "Knowledge is power". We get knowledge from books and experiences. Lets see the list of books which will help you improve your technical knowledge.
1. "Technical Analysis Explained" by Martin J Pring
2. "Japanese candlesticks charting technique" by Steve Nison
3. "Trading for a living" by Alexander Elder
4. "Reading price charts bar by bar " by Al Brooks
5. "Trading in the zone" by Mark Douglas.
6. "Fibonacci Analysis" by Constance Brown
After completing these books you can read "Market Wizards" by Jack D Schwager and "Reminiscences of a stock operator" by Edwin Lefevre. Often I get the query "what books to read to gain technical knowledge" from the Newbie's and above is the list for them. You need knowledge about trading psychology to apply your technical knowledge in live market. Read my old posts about "trading psychology".
When you learn everything yourself, it takes time. To shorten the time of your learning curve, find a mentor and learn to trade well. Trading makes a person a better human being.
I wish you all "A blasting, prosperous, joyful new year 2019". Every day is a new day. Every beginning is a new beginning. Stay focused and achieve your goals.
I thank all the readers/analysts/friends here for their wonderful support in 2018. Your support encourages me to write more. Do hit like to get more posts.
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