Canadian Dollar/Swiss Franc

Possibilidade de venda...

O cadchf rompeu suporte anterior (0.7725) fazendo uma nova baixa (0.7620) dando inicio a um possível inicio de tendência de baixa, e no momento se encontra testando resistência em área de 0.7725 (suporte rompido) com possibilidade de teste em 0.7600. Negociação oferece um risco de no minimo 1:2 compatível com meu plano de negociação.

O rompimento e fecho acima de 0.7725 anula o setup.

“We know that the random element in the market represents at least 40 to 60 percent activity. Therefore, it’s not logical to look at every tick or to think that every tick or every chart formation has meaning. They don’t. There are too many traders trying to look at the markets from too stringent an analytical viewpoint. Most of what happens in the markets is meaningless. Why try to interpret every little movement, every little reversal, every little tick? In trying to do too much, they’re actually paying too much attention to the market. You have to keep a distance from the market. Only then will you have the psychological resources to let your profits ride. You won’t be looking at every tick and interpreting it in a fearful way.” – Jake Bernstein

Todos os meus gráficos são p/ fins educacionais e não recomendações p/ negociações ou investimentos.
PS. Mercado Forex oferece risco e não é adequado p/ todos os tipos de investidores.


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