
BTT Watch Out

Playj 업데이트됨   
Bittorent is a P2P program for opening and streaming internet files (video files) to be done now on the TRX blockchain

Fundamentally Im Long on essentially allowing netflix hulu youtube or file shareing peer to peer P2P to offer better compensation for the provider which allows this thing we simply call the internet to further invade our life. File sharing now offered on the blockchain (TRX blockchain). If this thing stick were talking about the old internet met by the new world of cryptocurreny. There has always been free internet not a tokenized internet. Think about it!

FYI I am long Bittorent on a purely fundamental stand point but im still very small >$1000 USD position
액티브 트레이드:
I got long on this chart based on fundamentals and this breakout pattern gave me a traders entry for a fundamental reason and look to hold 6+ months

연관 아이디어


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