
BTCusdt Update (my Crazy Idea)

EpicM 업데이트됨   
Hi Guys,

Im back again with my crazy idea. I will remain bearish until we get above 48500. Here is the reason why. Take a look at the chart its a clear side ways correction. and we have broken all major supports. and there is no reason to be bullish yet since we are also below some major moving averages. The current move downwards is a clear impusilve wave. Which is a Wave 3 According to elliott wave.

This is not a financial advise or any trading tips. I just want to share my perspective into the current crypto market.

BTC is the ship that lifts all the crypto market. So do not expect it yet to be bullish (alt coins) until BTC turns into a bullish phase. Which will be not soon.

Goodluck traders!

I post my daily updates of chart/ta in my discord:

For those who wants to check what i think the market in crypto will be heading join me =)


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