BITCOIN - My Thoughts on a Possible Topping Out Process...

I've presented both a bearish and a bullish perspective. However, there are certain indicators I'm keeping an eye on that suggest the bearish scenario could unfold, which I'll discuss in more detail shortly.

For now, i'd like to share my reflections on the current wave structure.

If we haven't reached the peak yet, it's likely due to flaws in my wave count, which I intend to rectify in the coming days through further analysis.

However, for now, I aim to provide a broader perspective before delving into specifics. I prefer to observe without trading to gain a clearer understanding of our current position.

While other cryptocurrencies may indicate a peak, it's essential to remember that altcoins can peak before Bitcoin. I'll contemplate these factors before revisiting the intricacies of wave analysis to offer a more precise count.

Over the next 24 hours, I'll maintain a spectator role, closely monitoring the 60,757 level. I refrain from predicting tops and bottoms without corroborating price action to support my analysis.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BLXBTCUSDBTCUSDTWave Analysis
