
Today is a POWERFUL DAY! There are 7 Questions here, answer them

Today the official trigger to the Age of Aquarius

Time to walk in to your power!

I want you to
> answer these 7 Questions
> relax your mind (deep breathing helps)
> instruct the universe with what you would like for your future
> sit back and witness the miracles happen

7 Questions:

1) Who or what do I feel called to help
2) I feel most fulfilled when I...
3) what activity or passions do I have that give me the most fulfillment
4) What talents do I have that people most often ask me to help them with
5) What do I feel is my mission here on earth
6) If I had no fear, how would I choose to earn my living or how would I choose to live my life
7) What type of legacy do I want to leave behind


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