
LONG awaited BTC Bullish Crab *Update*

Moorsc0de 업데이트됨   
This chart or the Bullish Shark formation still hold up. Recall the Gartle delayed the Shark formation.. and now we see this nestled Crab formation in the mix all along. This chart is becoming a bit more accepted due to the full use of the early Feb moves- and also explains the delay on the Shark Formation and may have elluded those who only used the Shark pattern for buying. The Crab is longer. BTC was showing lack-luster price activity- with fake outs on the Shark formation. So we can consider this full confirmation on the embedded Shark and Crab.. Once complete... we should see strong moves to the upside in the next few days. Its been a long wait, but the patient win out! CHEERS!
Pattern Invalid

Moorsc0de aka Crypt0nomics aka Zaphkiel

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